Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Matter of Snow

Snow flurries whispered to earth yesterday afternoon. Ocassionally giant snowflakes piled soundlessly onto branches and fences. It was a mixture of large and small accumulation that lasted a short while. A late Christmas gift that was very much appreciated.

Sipping hot chocolate while dreaming of a white Christmas is an adult lullabye. Kids love snow any day. They dream about snowmen talking and snowball fights. Four year olds think of snow as artistic expression.
Excited shouts rose from my kitchen. Steaming bowls of chicken noodle soup quickly cooled. Three tiny noses pressed hopefully against window panes as they watched our yard turn white.

Callie squealed, "We can make the best snowman. A girl snowman. With a pink scarf."

"Yeah!" Donovan jumped up and down pointing out the window. "I can make a snowball and throw it at Ben."
"No. You cannot throw a snowball at me, Donovan!" Benjamin firmly crossed his arms.

"Okay then." I smile encouragingly. Yesterday's holiday cheer left me with a headache and I see an opportunity for quiet time. "While the snow finishes falling ... how about taking a nap. Just a short one. When you wake up ... we'll put coats, hats, and mittens on. Then we can play outside."

Ben, Callie, and Donovan obediently went upstairs and fell asleep. That quickly. Something unheard of in our house. Nap time is now as endangered as my quiet afternoon coffee break.

While the kids slept it rained. An overly enthusiatic rain that melted the snow. A small amount was left but was quickly evaporated by sunshine.

I heard the kids chattering busily as they ran downstairs. Piles of coats, mittens, hats, shoes, and waterproof pants were scattered across the floor. Everyone looked so happy and I hated to dampen their spirits.

"Kids. Something happened to the snow when you were sleeping. Look outside. It rained and melted the snow. See?" I pulled open the curtains.

In rapid sequence I watched each smile fade. Callie fell to the ground and cried. Ben ignored me and headed for the door. Helplessly I waited for the news to sink in.

Donovan took my hand. "I'll go outside with you."

I patted his head. "There is no snow."

He followed me outside anyway and assessed the situation. "That's okay mom. We can do other fun things inside. How would that be?"

Thankfully I smiled as the other kids followed him to the living room. They quickly threw themselves into play therapy and I freshened my coffee cup.


karinco said...

First - I LOVE the new look. The header is so cooooool!

My little one fights me on naps as well. If your little saga was a movie of the week that she happened to watch....I can guarantee she would never take a nap again!

Donovan saved the day! Yay!! Thank goodness he quickly assessed the situation and came up with plan B!! You, my dear, would've been in deeeep trouble if he had his heart set on making snow angels! lol