Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Oklahoma Ice Box

Ice cracks outside a row of lit windows along our street. Limbs sag heavily to the ground. Holiday decorations are encrusted in icy bricks. No need to feel icy wind in my face to know winter swept into town last night.

We are the lucky ones still with electricity. Six hundred thousand people in Oklahoma are cooking on gas stoves, warming themselves by artificial fire, or seeking refuge from the cold inside make-shift shelters.

Seven years ago we were iced in without power for a week in Texas. We huddled together in
frightfully cold conditions making due with fire cooked hot dogs. Showers were cold and infrequent. Water had to be boiled and we did not have a gas stove.

Children make such a difference. Back then I was a cold and bored mother of zero. When the icy weather came I worried about us … Brett and myself. There was nothing else to consider.

Now I worry about my kids. If the power goes out, how will we keep the children warm? Are their favorite snacks and pre-prepared foods stacked in easy reach? Do we have a full tank of gas in the car and extra cash in our wallet in case we need to leave town? Will Callie’s asthma flair up?

Sitting warm and snug
in my living room I watch my children play beneath twinkling tree lights. Christmas music is
serenading us and cookies are cooling in the kitchen.
The phone rings and it is Brett calling to say he is on his way home. We are all healthy, safe, and happy.

As the world outside slumbers beneath blankets of ice we wait comfortably inside. My life's intentions no longer dwell simply on what makes me
happy . More often
than not I strive towards what makes our family happy.
What a difference seven years can make!


karinco said...

I have been following the news accounts of this storm. How incredibly scary for the residents of OK and the rest of the mid-west.

I am so glad that you, Brett and your adorable kiddos are safe and snuggly at home.
